Saturday, January 28, 2012


The 4Life Opportunity A Foundation For A Better Life
When you choose to partner with 4Life, you have the opportunity to:
Pursue an unrivaled level of physical health and wellbeing for yourself and your family.
Make a personally meaningful contribution by sharing 4Life with others.
Enjoy a portion of the entire company’s earnings through the Power Pool.
Life Rewards Plan—The beauty is in the balance.
The beauty of our compensation plan is that it’s a balanced plan, which means there’s payout for everyone, at every level. We’ve got some of the highest payouts in the industry (up to 64 percent!), Rapid Rewards, Infinity Commissions, and so much more. No matter how you plan to build your business, you’ll find generous compensation along the way

4Life Opportunity - Ways To Earn Rewards

Personal LP Payout:
You receive a 25% payout on personal volume over 100 LP generated in a month—sweet and simple!
Rapid Rewards
Rapid Rewards pays you 25% of the first LP order placed by every distributor you personally enroll. The more distributors you enroll, the faster your Rapid Rewards pile up…and at 25%, the pile grows quickly.
4Life Power Pool
4Life designates 2% of the entire company’s LP to be divided up and paid to Power Pool participants. To qualify, simply enroll three or more distributors each month, who each generate 100 Life Points (LP). Make sure they generate 100 LP the next month as well, and you earn a Power Pool check—in addition to your Rapid Rewards and Personal LP check!
Great Escape Trips
Want another sweet reward from participating in the Power Pool  How about the chance to win an all-expenses paid vacation of a lifetime? You’ve got it with the Great Escape, a luxury trip awarded to committed 4Life business builders qualified Presidential Diamonds and above, plus a few random lucky winners!*
Infinity Commissions
The Beginning with their fourth generation, Diamonds and above will experience the true definition of forever with infinity commissions. Infinity commissions combine the financial gain of multiple levels within a single generation. And the rewards keep on coming through the bottom of your organization, or until interrupted by a like rank.

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